Become more productive by deciding what you will do and what you’ll not do today. Greg Reid, best-selling author of The Millionaire Mentor and Positive Impact, reminds us learning how to say no is critical to productivity. “Too many people measure how successful or important they are by how many balls they can keep in the air at a given moment,” he says. But it’s not about how much you can do; It’s what you can do well.

“We all know a computer runs at its slowest when it has too many programs open at once,” Reid says. “The same applies to our production.” So, when you have a full workload, learn to say no in a courteous manner. Being realistic about your workload helps you to better perform the most important tasks at hand. Then the new project can be passed along to another person who may offer more attention to it. (Seeds of Success June 15, 2010)

In the short clip, "The Man or Woman of Many Hats", you will see why as a small business owner it is necessary to say no.